What to do when you're too bored to bother

Surviving the Summer Slump

Diagnosing the Summer Slump

Ever since I was old enough to be in school, I’ve looked forward to that glorious time of year when the last bell rings and I’m finally free. Now, as a teacher, I feel the same yearly excitement. The freedom to kick back and do absolutely nothing has arrived.

Summer Slump
For me, classes don’t start until October. Wake me up when September ends 🙂

But then something inevitably happens partway through the summer. That something is called the Summer Slump. According to Urban Dictionary, the Summer Slump is “A period during summer in which a person performs inefficiently due to the excessive amount of free time on there hands.”

The truth is, an abundance of free time can become overwhelming. Maybe there’s nothing you specifically have to do, so you don’t feel bad bingeing on your favorite television programs. That’s fine. I feed my addiction through ORORO TV (Note: if you subscribe through my link, you and I will both receive a discount). But when you come up for air, you often find yourself feeling disoriented, and maybe even a little unmotivated to do anything about it.

When you find yourself slipping into the Slump, and you’re so bored that you can’t even bother to do anything about it, it’s good to have a plan in place to pull you back out. Here’s my plan:

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Moving Abroad Starter Budget

Moving Abroad Starter Budget


Are you thinking about moving abroad to teach English? Or, if you’re already teaching English abroad, are you looking for a new destination?

Budgeting is the most crucial step for being able to teach English abroad. When should you start your budget? Immediately. If you are still living at home, you will need to begin thinking about things like the cost of moving (including visas, transportation, and possible packing essentials), and a starter fund to get you through your expenses abroad before you get paid (rent, security deposit, groceries). It will likely be one month or more before you see your first paycheck.


Some programs will offer to pay for your flight (Asia, the Middle East). Typically, this is offered as a flight reimbursement, so you will have to pay the money upfront.

Other programs, like mine, the North American Language and Culture Assistants in Spain, also known as Auxiliares de Conversacion, definitely do not offer such benefits, but there are still lots of ways to find a cheap flight. The point is, you need to be prepared to budget for it.

So, what do I recommend? Where you’re going and what incentives your program offer will greatly affect this amount. Spain will be more expensive than China. Saudi Arabia will offer lots of benefits that you won’t see elsewhere.

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What Is Your Time Worth?

What Is Your Time Worth?

Time is Money. This is a well-known concept that many of us have heard throughout our lives. But what does it mean?

For me, it draws up the image of someone tapping their foot, looking at their watch, and sighing impatiently. It implies the need to hurry up. Or maybe someone gives it to you as an excuse as to why they don’t have time to spend with you, thus enforcing that they can’t slow down. Time is MONEY, after all.

But wait. Slow down. I promise, you’ve got time for this. What if we’ve been misinterpreting this age-old proverb all along? What if instead of thinking that time is MONEY, we start to realize that TIME is money. This changes everything.

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Teach, Travel, Budget

Teaching English Abroad Opens Doors

Teaching English Abroad

My name is Melissa, and I love teaching English abroad. Why? For me, teaching is a natural extension of a love of learning, and teaching English abroad allows me to really see the world—not just on holidays or in retirement.

Teaching English abroad opens the world to you
The view from the Castle in Loarre, Spain is a lot better than the view from a desk.

Maybe you’re a teacher yourself, but your summers never seem long enough and your budgets never stretch far enough. Or perhaps you’re thinking about becoming a teacher, but you’re not sure if it’s really for you. Maybe you have no idea what to do, and you’re looking to spend a year or two  learning about yourself. All of these are great reasons to try teaching English abroad.

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